What is Taekwon-Do

Taekwon-Do is a Korean foot and hand martial art. It is also a sport which provides students with the opportunities to compete provincially, nationally and internationallyThe greatest aspect of Taekwon-Do is it'sa tool for social development which can be powerful in helping to deal with some of the world’s problems.  This is created through developing structure, discipline and self-confidence which carries over into all aspects of a student's life.

Taekwon-Do is empowering! It creates friendships, a sense of an extended family and builds youth leaders for tomorrows world. They say a family who trains together sticks together, but I say....pity help the person who breaks into their house.

Mission Statement

MacLeod's Martial Arts Academy is dedicated to enhancing our community through the positive development of our studentsWe accomplish these task by adhering to the following guidelines:
Tenants of Taekwon-Do:
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit
Student Oath: 
I shall observe the tenants of Taekwon-Do
I shall respect my instructors and seniors
I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
I shall build a more peaceful world
To provide a safe, fun and respectful environment for inspiration of personal excellence.
To encourage everyone to strive for their personal best in everything they do whether training in class, interacting with family at home, colleagues at work, or studying in school.
To actively educate our students with positive energy to promote their growth mentally, physically and emotionally.
To secure the long-term growth of our school and its instructors by providing outstanding customer service with safe, professional and up to date Taekwon-Do instructions.
To provide our students with the latest training and educational tools available around the world.
To educate the community on safety and self defense techniques in hopes that it will make our community a safer place to live.
© Copyright MacLeod's Martial Arts Academy